Aptos or SUI? Your turn


what do you take? it is very important to know your opinion

Answers 6

27 oct.
Aptos $350.000.000 (Funding Round A+B), mainnet.
SUI $336.000.000 (Funding Round A+B), devnet

My choice is aptos, but i keep watching sui

Aptos is a centralized government compliant project, take it as you will. Sui will likely be similar, there is no decentralization on Aptos, tokens created can always be frozen from the creator, unclear who has the supply nor who is liquid staking, I advise to be very careful about aptos.

I think both.

aptos ıyı cıkıs yaptı ama suıden daha ıyı bır performans beklıyorum

Aptos look better for now, waiting for SUI

Sui as they have more development opportunities