What are some ways I could earn reputation on peeranha?


I am just getting started with peeranha, but seems like my actions are pretty restricted until I earn some reputations. What are some ways I could earn some reputation and how much would I earn from them?

Answers 2

I would like to add to the previous reply. How many extra points you may get?

  1. Discussion type of post (that is yours at the moment)

If you answer a question within 15 min after the question was posted, you get 1 rating point.
If your answer is first to a particular question, you get 1 rating point.
If you are lucky and you can fulfill these two conditions at one go, you get 2 rating points.

  1. Expert Q&A type of post

If you answer a question within 15 min after the question was posted, you get 5 rating point.
If your answer is first to a particular question, you get 5 rating point.
If you fulfill these two conditions at one go, you get 10 rating points.

Welcome, Tyler!

The number one way of earning reputation one Peeranha is to be helpful to other users: provide answers, ask questions and post tutorials that will help Peeranha community. Users earn reputation when their content is upvoted by other users.

Extra reputation points are rewarded when you are the first one to provide the answer, provide answer within 15 minutes or post answer selected by author as the best. Notice that selecting the best answer for your post also rewards some reputation points.

Also notice that different number of reputation points are rewarded for different types of the posts.